Saturday, December 3, 2011


There is nothing more debilitating than fear. It cripples our wings and turns our fins to stone. We become paralyzed. Falling. Always falling. Until we somehow find the strength to halt our plunge. And in that moment, between falling and flying, we realize more about ourselves than we ever could in either state. We realize that what we have within us can be accessed no matter what. It's just our job find it.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Bird's Freedom

People tell me I need to keep my feet on the ground. But, they don't realize that I'm not meant to stay on the ground. I am meant to fly and born to fly. Chain me down, break my wings, I don't care. I will find a way to fly.
I was born a wild angel, a fallen being, but with the possibility for exaltation as sure as the fire of my wings. No more will I be told what is possible for me and what's not. I refuse to be put in a cage, unless it is one of my own making. My decisions are my own and while I may get advice, I may not always act on it. My instincts need to be honed so that I may rely on them and them alone. If you shackle them now, then you are shackling me in the future. Let me do as I will.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


It's humbling. Thinking about it. In the grand scheme of things, what are we individually? Tiny. Unimportant. Insignificant. If we die, the world doesn't notice. It's only when we live that the world can notice. But the likelihood of that is so slim that it is near to nothing.
The universe is huge. We as humans are, on average, between 5'6 and 6'. What makes us think that we have any authority to change things just to suit ourselves better? We have no right to do this. We are arrogant, selfish beings that don't stop just at hurting ourselves. We have to hurt everything else and say it's for the good of mankind. Then, when someone cares enough to realize that what we're doing is wrong, humans basically say "Mah bad."
Instead of dreaming of a world where humans rule, we should be dreaming of a world where we co-rule with every other species on our planet and any others. Or even better, where we deliberately place ourselves below them. And everything we do is to help them.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I must remain strong. Through all the sweat and tears, the blood and scars, I will remain upright and unbroken. My spirit will make it through life and though my heart will break and my mind may falter, my soul will remain untouched by the hurricane that is my surroundings. I will not break. I will not hesitate.

My world is pulling me faster and faster as the pace of life increases. All I can do to keep from spinning out of control is dig in my heels and be dragged unwillingly. For as long as I can, I will fight the current. I will. I must.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I always will.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Remembering and Imagining

Nothing lasts the way you think it will. One moment, everything's going fine. The next, what you know is crashing down around your feet, sinking into the ground. We delude ourselves with thinkings of eternity. But what really lasts throughout the test of time? Nothing. Everything crumbles and withers, fading away to dust and long forgotten memories.

In a thousand years, what will they remember of us? A ruined civilization, fading fast into destruction? Will we unwittingly unleash something that brings fast the dusk of mankind, hunted into obscurity?

Perhaps. Perhaps. The important thing that we must remember always is look to the future with one eye on the past. And live life so that WE will be remembered for something. Something worth being remembered for.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Beginning to be Proud of...

Well...Never thought I'd actually be blogging. Not that it matters. No one's going to follow me anyway.

Well, since we're going to be spending a lot of time together, hopefully, we shoud get some information about me out first so we don't have to be confuzzled when I ACTUALLY start talking about myself.

Well, I hate talking about myself. But I love writing about myself. So, this should be interesting. Gosh, darn this is going to sound like that darn presentation I had to do...

most shades of blue
outside (nature)

Least favorites:
dense people
Incorrect grammar or spelling
...To be continued...

Well, yeah, so I guess I'll talk to you guys...Later...