Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Remembering and Imagining

Nothing lasts the way you think it will. One moment, everything's going fine. The next, what you know is crashing down around your feet, sinking into the ground. We delude ourselves with thinkings of eternity. But what really lasts throughout the test of time? Nothing. Everything crumbles and withers, fading away to dust and long forgotten memories.

In a thousand years, what will they remember of us? A ruined civilization, fading fast into destruction? Will we unwittingly unleash something that brings fast the dusk of mankind, hunted into obscurity?

Perhaps. Perhaps. The important thing that we must remember always is look to the future with one eye on the past. And live life so that WE will be remembered for something. Something worth being remembered for.

1 comment:

  1. <3
    You're amazing Brooke. I wish I could be this amazing :)
