Friday, January 16, 2015

Fall back to the keep!

I'm feeling quite raw. And technically this should go on the other one because it's about acting. But I won't.
You know you've had defenses up for an incredibly long time when you're forced to drop walls and they don't even fall very much and you still feel like you've been scoured on you inside.
Because wow. And even now I can feel my walls trying to protect me again. And I'm trying not to let them. And it's hard. I just want to throw my head under a blanket and pretend the problem doesn't exist because that's so much easier. So so much easier. Not nearly as healthy or good for acting. But it's safer and easier and it's disgusting me that I want to take the easy way out. I pride myself on not deflecting problems yet that is EXACTLY what I want to do now.
My professor was exactly right. I may not have many issues. But they are incredibly deep rooted and they also sit underneath the surface.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Master Status Removal

Why can't we all just accept people for who they are and judge them on their own merits and not on things out of their control? I'm guilty of that. I know that and it hurts me to admit it. But I also know that I do try to keep an open mind most of the time. But seriously, why on earth do we think that we can simply hurt someone else?
So someone's Muslim. Who cares?
So someone's Christian. Who cares?
So someone's black. Who cares?
So someone's white. Who cares?
So someone's rich. Who cares?
So someone's poor. Who cares?
So someone's male. Who cares?
So someone's female. Who cares?
(this list is not exclusive)

Are we not all human beings? Do we not all deserve to be viewed as the person that we are? If you're an asshole, you should be judged as an asshole. If you're kind, then be judged as kind. What kind of person are they underneath all of the social labels that have been placed on them? Why should others decide their worth for them in the eyes of society?
Incidentally, I just realized that all of those can be master statuses. Huh.
Anyway, we should look past the labels of someone that have no technical difference in how someone should be treated and treat them as they are. But we should also treat them with kindness because as much as I would like for this to be the case (it would make things so much simpler), everyone no matter what actions they may take has good in them. Yes, everyone. Hitler, for example, was a doting son.
I'm not saying that we should discount all the bad a person does, but one shouldn't discount the good either. Look at or think about your neighbor. How have you treated him or her recently? Did you jump to any conclusions about them? Could you have showed more love? I'm not saying the world is all sunshine and daises because, well, right now it's kind of overcast and snowing a bit. But even just that little bit of effort into trying to understand someone else, to dropping your own walls, and treating them like a human being who deserves love, can make the world a cheerier place.