Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Not Sure Why Blogger Wants Me To Title This 22

...Hey, guys. Whoops.
Let me break the ice again with some random trivia. Did you know that there's a place in Nevada that has the second largest nuclear storage facility in the US? Fairly close to Vegas. Which means that I've been around nuclear stuff my entire life. Awesome. And I don't feel super concerned about revealing that where anyone in any country can see it because I just googled stuff and found the information. Although, if anyone at the NSA is worried and just happens to be keeping an eye on this blog, I think it would be awesome to have a secret government job. Just saying.

In a creative writing class and I have to keep a writing journal. Also, I think I'm wanting to start up with a Fallout fanfiction trilogy like my Dragon Age one (which is going fairly well now that I've started back up with it, thank you for asking) but I haven't figured out where I want to go with it. I have a general idea (Lone Wanderer is so going to meet the Sole Survivor and I'm pretty sure I want to add the Courier in as well) and I have names for the three of them (something in my heart is glad that I'm naming them after freaking fabulous women). Boudica, Catherine, and Grace. Named for Boudica, the "British" queen who took on the Romans after they killed her husband, Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, and Grace O'Malley, Irish pirate queen who refused to bow to Queen Elizabeth I. I'm just sort of mulling around with what sort of person my Lone Wanderer (Boudica, AKA B to most of the Capital Wasteland) is. She's speaking to me as she feels like it. Although I started in on my Sole Survivor and I already kind of love her. Boudica is a little more hesitant about speaking to me and I'm pretty sure it's because of her name. I'm half tempted to name her Catherine and the Courier Boudica but LW's mother's name is Catherine. So I'm thinking about that. But I'm not yet ready in terms of character development to do that.

Tasha is on a roll right now. And even Miya is starting to make comments again, mostly about how much she dislikes Tasha. Which I would find hilarious if it didn't give me headaches. But I've run into a new version of it that I want to play with for a little bit. But I haven't gotten there yet. That version isn't quite ready and I'm pretty sure that that's the reason why Miya is being cranky with Tasha.

And yes, I am well aware that they are fictional. But since they hang out in my head, when arguments start up, it happens in my head. Which gives me a headache.

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