Friday, March 16, 2012

My Farewell

You have no idea what I go through, watching you destroy your life. You say it's my fault. That I let you down. Well, news for you, I've stuck with you. I've bloody defended you and you have the nerve to say that? When I'm trying to keep you from ruining what little bit of a life you have left?

That's real gratitude right there, ladies and gentlemen. And believe me. I intend on returning it.
Because, sure, I wasn't always the nicest. But I never shunned you from my life, like so many other people did! You gave me reason, time and time again, to abandon you, but I never did. I never did, because I believed in you! Well, congratulations. I'm cured. I'm really cured. If you're going to treat me the way you do, without understanding how hard it is to stay positive when you're doing the things you're doing, you don't deserve me in your life. Because I won't shy away from telling you what you're doing wrong. Because I know in my heart and in my head that what you are doing is wrong, so so wrong.

We stare from across a line, you and I, on seperate sides, each wanting the other to join the other on their side. I can't do that and maintain my self-worth and dignity. And you won't because you're scared and hurt and angry.  Of what, I don't know. But what I do know is that you are so much stronger than this. I promise you.

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