Tuesday, March 6, 2012


...I think I made a mistake...
Did I?
You'll never see this, so what do I care?
I don't know.
Right now, I don't know what my reasons were. I just know they weren't the right ones. Can you blame me though? Let me answer my own question.
Something...just does not feel right about it...I can't put my finger on it...

Normally, I can pride myself on making good decisions, and if I make a mistake, to correct that mistake and move on. This time, I'd be hurting other people, besides myself if I do this, this that my heart tells me to do. Am I just rationalizing my fears? Perhaps. Yet, when I sit here and think about the decision I made, my heart tells me it was wrong. I rely on my instincts. I always have.

Sitting here, thinking back over the happenings of today, I realize that I made the wrong decision. And now I have to fix it. Just...not now. I will wait to make sure.

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