Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I have discovered the purpose of a blog. I may not have all that many posts. But they give me the inspiration for myself that I so desperately need right now. Because what am I but a sum of my memories? Of the feelings that I once felt that I will probably feel again? Nothing is irrelevant and everything matters. I am the wild angel, the uncaged bird, the powerful tiger, and the loyal dog. I am me and I always will be. Time may change what I think but my feelings are mine and they always will be. For what else can I be but me?
Staring college in the face, I realize that this is my opportunity to spread those wings that have been crippled by decisions others have made for me. My decisions now will affect the rest of my  life.
One of my earlier posts spoke about fighting the tide that was sweeping me along my life. I'm ready for the tide now. From here on out, my life will be a whirlwind of triumph and failures. Do I want to fail? No, of course not. No sane person does. I want to be the best and prove I am the best. I have the pride that will push me to go far and tth faith to know that I can be me and a me that people will love.
I was never meant to sit back. I was born to lead and lead I shall.

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