Thursday, May 1, 2014

Temporary Home

What is a home? A home is a place of residence, but it's not. A home is where you are living and growing, not just where you are staying or existing. It's where your heart is. Sometimes we must say goodbye to our home and find another one. But the former one will always be within our hearts, a part of us and a part of our history. Our hearts belong there. But our hearts can belong to more than one place. Mine will always belong to Idaho. It's where I was born and where I learned my lessons of life and death and joy and loss. But I hope to add homes to my heart, that I can learn the joy of living somewhere else, something I have never experienced. Nevada made me bitter. School was the only home I had here and the prospect of leaving, while sad to leave behind those enfolded in my hearts, I look forward with joy to learn the excitement of moving.

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