Saturday, July 26, 2014

2014 McLaren P1/ LDS Mission

I'm not going to write a review for a car. Simply because I couldn't be able to convey the delight and vwoom that that car, just on description, made me feel. (903 HORSEPOWER!!) Gorgeous piece of machinery.
Anyway, here's a link. 2014 McLaren P1.
Lordy, that's a nice car. And that guy is so funny.
I'm pretty sure that I want to...not marry a mechanic (not that I have anything against mechanics, my grandpa was one) but marry someone who is very good with cars because one of my favorite smells, no joke, is the smell of new tires.

My cousin is having his farewell tomorrow. He's going on his mission to Tempe, Arizona. And all I can say is he has NO idea what he's in for. I've lived down in that sort of heat. He never has. So, it'll be very interesting to see him handle that. The only thing is I've never seen any sort of enthusiasm from him for it. So I'm not sure how he's going to react to it. I'm willing to cut him some slack because he's from small-town Idaho and doesn't know any better. I've done all three. Small town, medium city, and big city. Different cultures and opinions don't shock me anymore. But he could also surprise me and be able to handle this well. We'll just have to see.

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