Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Trust bows to no one yet it is a servant to all

I've been rather neglectful lately and I do apologize. Really. Sorry. I've just been ill and then I had a family crisis and then I got sick again (gotta love stress, NOT!!!) and then I had a huge fight with one of my friends that flattened me out emotionally yet again and I'm still not quite recovered from that. Plus, I've started writing again, which has been causing me to neglect everything else that I have been struggling to not neglect because of all the crap that has been happening.

Trust is like a spiderweb, delicate but impossibly strong. No, seriously. If we could figure out how to make fabric that was as light as spiderweb strands and as strong, humans would have some major advancements in life. Cannot wait for that day. Anyway, based on that, I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to say. As long as it is maintained, trust is a very solid, reliable thing. But when trust is broken, suddenly it feels as insubstantial and fragile as a thread of gossamer. But here's the thing. Even when people are not in a safe place and they should not be trusted at that moment, there should still be a level of trust for them to act like a decent human being. Trust broken is so painful, I think, because deep down, we wanted that person to be better than humanity has a reputation for. And when that hope fails, it feels like something inside of us just wants to wither away and die.
We shouldn't let it. Trust is a beautiful wonderful thing. Not everyone is going to try to hurt you like possibly has been done in the past. It's okay to freefall into trust. It's okay to give trust conditionally. It's okay to be hurt.

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