Thursday, June 19, 2014

2001 Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0/ I'm so tired...

Can I just say that this is a beauty? It's a very sleek car isn't it? I would call it little but there is nothing little about this puppy. There's a whopper of an engine (6.0 L V12) producing 550 horsepower. This car, if it can be called a car, has a 0-60 of 3.4 seconds. Take that and add to it a top speed of 205 mph. Seriously, just look at that car a second. It's not as beautiful as the Gallardo, but then I'm more partial to the Gallardo anyway. Although, Diablo means devil so I'm automatically fascinated by it. It's big, it's fast, and it's got (decent) mpg of 12 city and 18 highway. This is definitely a supercar and it is just...Man...

Well, I'm thinking that I should make some comments about how I feel about moving from my home for the past eight years of my life. But I've been in a car for about 12 hours today and I'm so exhausted. Seriously, I take that drive at least twice a year and I've never slept on that ride. I fell asleep five, count them FIVE times. And I'm still so tired! I love my grandma, really, I do, but she just drives me absolutely bonkers and makes me so tired. So tomorrow, maybe, I'll make some comments about how I feel. Tomorrow or maybe Saturday. Maybe. It'll happen eventually.

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