Thursday, June 5, 2014

An Unexpected BMW

Beginning a new chapter in my life has always seemed like a frightening prospect. I don't do well with change, you see. But at the same time, there's always been something in my heart urging me to stop thinking and just free fall, part terror and part exhilaration. I've been playing with the idea of studying abroad in London. This would require ridiculous amounts of work and taking me, the person who before this year had planned on moving back to my hometown after college or at least to Salt Lake City after becoming an FBI agent and didn't have much of a desire to travel, to a completely different country. Granted, I'd always sort of wanted to go to Ireland, England, Scotland, and Germany but that was only because that's where my ancestral heritage is and I've always been fascinated with that. But I figured it would be a quick trip and then I would be back home and would probably stay wherever it was until I died. I kept forgetting how much I want adventures and exploration until I would get back into Lord of the Rings or another fantasy novel and then it would just burn and I would get antsy and I would want to just go somewhere. That dratted practicality that is rampant in my family always overpowers that urge.
But I'm literally staring at change right now. I can't avoid it. And so I'm playing with the idea of adding the change. But again, ridiculous amounts of work to get it. Tuesday, I was wondering if the work would be worth it. Not even thirty seconds after I had that thought, do you know what I saw? A BMW with British license plates. I wasn't anywhere that a car with those license plates should have been. Yes, there would be sections of Vegas where that wouldn't be especially surprising, like on the Strip or near some of the bigger off-Strip casinos, but that wasn't where I was.
And I'm taking that as a sign that that is what I need to do. Major change for me and ridiculous amounts of work, but if I'm supposed to do that, then things will work out so that I will be able to do it. If I'm not, then it won't.
But that's still super exciting. And weird. And unexpected. And thrilling. What the heck was a BMW with British license plates doing here?

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