Sunday, May 11, 2014

In Memory

It's been a few months since my grandpa died. And for some reason, today I just really miss him. Generally, I would consider myself to be a well-adjusted if repressing individual which is why this particular emotion puzzles me. I had issues watching Third Star because of the flashbacks but I bounced right back like I would expect me to. Yes, it's sad that he died but it was from cancer and the man laying in that hospital bed wasn't my grandpa. His last words were SO Lynn Yorgesen that it makes everyone laugh now and it did even then. My grandpa was one of those men full of piss and vinegar with the biggest, warmest, boomiest laugh you've ever heard, a laugh that I'm pleased to have inherited even if it's higher pitched. I'm also pleased to have inherited his voice. It's one of those that even when it's quiet, it's loud and recognizable. He is one of the best people that I've had the honor to have known. He made friends everywhere, no matter where we went, because he always found something in common with them. He loved God and country and his family more than anything else. He was industrious, ridiculously hard-working, and could bend a penny until it broke. He was also the patriarch and now that he's gone, our family is left without one. He had no sons but he loved his daughters. He had a horrible temper (got demoted in the military twice because of it when he served) but he mellowed out when he became a grandpa and even more so when my grandma developed mild dementia. My grandpa was incredible and amazing and I'm not sure what it will be like staying up in Idaho with my family over the summer without him because he's always been there. I love him and I always will and I can only hope that he will be proud of what I've accomplished so far and what I have yet to accomplish.
Love you, Grandpa. You were my first father figure and will always have a special place in my heart. I'm even planning on carrying on the family tradition and give one of my daughters your name. Your last name won't get carried but your familiar name will. I promise that.

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