Saturday, May 3, 2014


Intelligence is my armor. Independence is my shield. Determination is my sword. What war shall not be won with that which I hold dear? And yet it is these elements of my very soul that are breaking me from my family's wishes. I am she who wishes to be free from the constraints that have imprisoned my spirit. And yet they are what keep me whole and together. This give and take must surely be the balance of my life, for as I spread my wings, I cannot forget where I came from, nor the shackles that I seek to escape. For they have made me strong and without them, I am nothing, not even the smallest speck of dust floating in a sunbeam. Yet I shall be a hurricane and all shall take note of me and honor me and in honoring me, they shall honor he who has blessed me beyond my comprehension. Though the winds of trial move against me, I will not fail for Determination shall cut through them all. And I shall be triumphant.

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