Friday, May 9, 2014

This Means War

So...I just looked at the audience thing that tells me where people are that they're looking at this blog thing. Ummm. First of all, I'm completely astonished that people actually look at it. Second of all, people outside of the US, which is where I am currently, are looking at it.
I haven't touched the thing in two years and I have people who have looked at it. I feel like I should make some big thank you to people who have looked at it or read it or printed it off so they could burn the pages because they hate it.
But I honestly don't know what I would say. Gosh, I'm going to be rubbish at making acceptance speeches when I'm famous. Anyway, I guess I'll say thanks for whoever sees this and get on with what I was actually going to say.

We see only what we bring to the world. Our biases, our dreams, our thoughts, our pasts. They color and shape reality for us. To say otherwise would be to deny truth and a world without truth is nothing short of chaos. Strive for truth, strive for justice, strive for mercy, strive for the good things in life. Yet in working for light and life, we should recognize that darkness exists within all of us. Humans have faults, sometimes they can be grievous ones. Just because we should expect and hope for base goodness does not mean that is what we get. The world is corrupt. Yet has there ever been a time without problems? What makes us think we can fix them all now, problems that have gone on for millenia?These problems have become so ingrained within us that it is useless to try.
Yet try we must, else all shall fail and wither in corruption and despair. Despair is the enemy of hope, the only weapon we have against the growing tide, though hope without action is useless. You and I and everyone on the planet owes something to life and the continued fight against despair. How we choose to fight is up to each individual.
Choose your weapon. Choose your battlefield.

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