Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The World Is Ours Tonight

Strength is not the absence of weakness, just as courage is not the absence of fear. Weakness must be there for strength to be present. Everything exists to contrast another thing, allowing balance and harmony. Balance is not all good. There must be another force on an object to counter the first. It's a law of physics. So why then do people not admit their weaknesses? Or see their strength and try to undercut it? Both can exist and both must exist, strength and weakness. Sometimes a characteristic can be both. 
Pride is one of those. It can destroy a person utterly and completely with its presence. Yet without pride, one has low belief in the self and that can be just as harmful. In order to keep ourselves from being shoved this way and that, we must find a balance between the two, between disbelief and arrogance. 
You are you with all your flaws and strengths. Don't throw that precious gift away. There is nothing more wasteful than a life lived in fear of being true to yourself. You are beautiful and handsome and amazing. And even if you think that you don't bring any good to the world, you are the world to someone and you are the reason that someone else has the strength to get up in the morning.
You are you and no one can ever take the niche you have in the world. Holes can be filled but they will never be packed as tightly as they once were.

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